Minggu, 12 Juli 2009

Im Back

Udah ada di noted FB sih.. Tapi apa boleh buat lah!
Hey readahs Im back finally from the expedition. Rrrrgh I LOVE the roadtrip so fvckng much and I wish I can go back in time to repeat the fvckng whole thing all over again.

+ Di Ungaran totally tiringggg ALL FUCKING day in the bus and we arrived at Hotel Ungaran Cantik at 10ish
+ Di Desa Mojowarno (Christian Village) TOTALLY feel at home, the people welcomed us nicely and they are all so friendly! And we met this little boy called Hendra and he's very very cute.
+ Di Probolinggo - Tongas Asri Restaurant. TER DAM PAR ter fucking dampar. My bus was fixed while we had dinner and it didn't come back til like, 2am. So the other bus brought the other people to the Hotel in Bromo while the people in my bus had to wait that long OUTSIDE the restaurant. Trus main Adu Benteng sm Ola, Bang Ponco, Gio, Bang Galti, Caca, Echa, Michael, and David.
+ Di Bromo & Kawah--> SENGSARA! Wow, it was fucking cold and I almost couldn't breathe :S When we went up I had to wear 2 jackets, 2 socks, gloves, a hat, and fucking converse. AND NIVEA ESSENTIAL LIP CARE I had to wear. I hate it!
+ Di kapal on the crossing to Bali Island. Seriously soothing and I LOVE the view of the sea :p Wore a jacket and it was reaal windy. Wasn't it friends? Hahaha.
+ Di Blimbingsari Village, Bali (Also a Christian village) Rrrgh we arrived at 2am ish in there and they distributed our live-ins at about 5. So we didn't actually "stay over night" in there but we kinda slept in the houses assigned to each groups. Me, Echa, Ka Grace, and Ka Anggie overslept. We were supposed to sleep from 5am-9am but we went over to like, 1pm. Hahaha so we missed this morning thankyou ceremony thing where our group gived the DVD and TV to the church. Soo, in my group's live in (me, Echa, Ka Grace, Ka Anggie), there's this kid. Me and Echa opened a pack of Kacang Mayasi*yumm*. Then I meant to share SOME peanuts to that kid, BUT HE TOOK ALL OF THEM! Padahal me and Echa didn't even eat one yet! I feel so guiltyyyy urghhhh.
+ Di HOTEL ORANJJE, Legian, Kuta, Denpasar, Bali--- Rggggh I love this part of Bali! It was soooo fun and everybody have different roommates each night (we stayed there for 3 nights and 4 days). Totally funnnn, cos we did many many things!
+ Di Kuta Beach--- 2nd day in Bali- Me, Ka Angga, Ka Charissa, Ka Tioma, Bang Donald, Doni, and Mike didn't sleep until 5, and at 5 we walked to the beach nearby. At the same day, at about 10ish, the rest of the group went to the same beach. This time I went with Ola, my bestfriend, and played with the fucking huge waves until like, 11ish. While Ka Grace and Ka Anggie did nail art faraway. Bang Chris, Bang Sandro, Bang Ponco, Bang Isar, and Bang Gio also played waves but not with me and Ola. Then we got back to take a shower, then lunch. Atttt the same day AGAIN, after lunch, the entire group went to McDonalds across the beach for lunch. After eating, it was free time again and guess what? WE WENT TO THE BEACH AGAIN. Ola played again this time with the other girls, not with me cos I was too tireddd! So meanwhile I took some nail art and bought drinks. BUT, after that I came over to Ola and the other girls to play in the water AGAIN. Thennn we took a shower back at the hotel for dinner. Day over.
+ Di Tanjung Benoa. Main watersport! First I played Flying Fish withhhhh KA TASYA then played Parasailllllingg. Then went to Pulau Penyu with 8 other people with a glass-bottomed boat. Then Amang Leo with 9 other people came over after us.
+ Di Sanur~ Did nothing. Only walk around alone cos some people didn't go down the bus. It was all quiet and peaceful there. No BULEs, no nothing. Just small boats and stuff like that. Round sand, tickling my feet. I walked around the beach with my Papa Asuh, amang Leo.
+ Di GWK~ Garuda Wisnu Kencana. Went up to the big Dewa statue and took pictures, saw sunset. We didn't go and see the Garuda statue cos it was dark and the Kecak performance was already starting at the Amphitheater. Yeah then we watched Kecak. Echa's dad made a fucking HILLLLLARIOUS rumor that Senci was bommed which made me totally panic and spread it to the others. Don't worry, after that I found out that HE WAS ONLY JOKING ha ha ha. If anybody heard that rumor, the source was not me and it was only a joke that wasn't meant to be spread :) PEACE.
+ Di The Ocean Bali Resto, Jimbaran. Dinner, beachside. Last night of Bali :( Uhuhu was so sad. Ate Ikan Bakar with rice. Typical dinner, then played at the sand, but not to the water. Then the music people came to entertain then everybody, EVERYBODY danced! THAT WAS SO FUN and nobody cared if it was embarrassing or not :) Arrgh it was fckng fun and I loved that night the most, cos I get to see something that I won't tell herrrre :p.
+ Di Sukawati/Sukowati. SHOPPED. A lot, can't list it one by one. For my family, that's the most prioritized, then for my friends. Ate Bakso while waiting for the others to come back to the bus.
+ Di Babi Guling Ibu Oka:::: Last lunch in Bali :( Bang Sandro kecebur kolam yang bener2 ga penting. The most IRRELEVANT pond that can be put in a fucking PIG RESTAURANT! I hate that restaurant! Bener2 ya. Oh and I DID NOT laugh! Or even smile! Ya wanna know why? Ada bule ya, NGOCOL! Dia kira ini Amerika Serikat, dimana kalo ada hal yang memalukan yang terjadi, MEREKA KETAWA2IN! Bang Sandro diketawain kan, as if that was a canteen in a highschool or something. I stared at them one by one, with my angry expression. When we all finished lunch, and everybody was headed for the bus, I was still upstairs. I got mad at the foreigners. I said: "Hey! This is NOT America! Would you even bother to have a sympathetic feeling for someone? What if something happens to the boy? This is NOT a school where you make people even more embarrassed than he/she is! Get a life, you morons!" They shut up. WHAT? I don't care what people say about me! I'm defending a friend over here! And I really hate the fact that they LAUGHED, but it's not funny! It kinda hurts. HOPE THEY ARE READING THISSSS! >(

+ Di Ubud. Went to a temple, it was boring. But the architecture was dammmmn AMAZING! Well we didn't get to get into some places because it is where they prayed and it's Suci.
+ Back at the terminal. Waited for our luggage to be delivered from the hotel to the bus. Went around the plaza nearby. With Tania, Echa, Yulia, Ola, Naooomi :) Went to Giant with Echa Ola and Tania to buy moreeee oleh2 hehe.
+ Di Airport. PLANE was supposed to depart at 10, but got delayed jd jam 12, terus DELAY LAGI jd jam 1 pagi departnya. Arrggh. Blowed bubble gums with many many friends, it was damn fun! And because of the delay the Airline served us with McDonalds.

The Incomplete E.N.D

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